Mikylee Blackwell
To the Crawford Family,
I’m gonna miss being able to talk to Brian in 6th hour. He always helped me with my problems that I had, and he always had that big smile on his face. I’m gonna miss him a lot. I love him and wont forget him. If yall ever need anything call me. See ya’ll later, Mikylee Blackwell
Jason Phillips
I’m glad I got to meet Brian he was one of the funniest people I have ever met. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers and Calvary way church’s as well. Brian has touched more people than any of us can imagine.
It is so hard to believe that 6 months ago today many lives were changed by the early and untimely death of Brian. Although we were unprepared, God wasn’t. His perfect will was being done and He was waiting for Brian with open and loving arms. We understand that Brian is experiencing a perfect life now with His Heavenly Father. It is still hard for those of us left because as mortal beings, our heart aches for the loss of Brian in our lives. I try every day to be thankful for the time he was able to spend with his family and friends and I do find comfort in knowing that as Christians, our time on earth is so short compared to our eternal life spent with our Savior and all of our Christian brothers and sisters, including Brian Allen Crawford. We love you Brian and you will never be forgotten!
Jim Collier
Words cannot express our compassion for your family at a time like this. We can only hope that the love of Christ will comfort your family through this extremely trying time. Our thoughts and our prayers are with you.
May God be with you always,
The Jim Collier Family
Morgan Dunsmore
Dear Mrs. Crawford & Family I am thinking about your family & praying for you. God bless your family.
Shawna L. Hubert
Brian was a great guy that always had a smile on his face and i will always remember him. God Bless you!!
Cheryl Crawford
Brian, this was our first Christmas Eve without you. No one would wear your Santa Hat that was your job. We did let Bryce and Rachael wear the Santa hats and help pass out the presents. I left your 18th and last Christmas ornament on your grave. We gave up the tradition of having pizza on Christmas eve, it just wouldn’t be the same without you. We miss you so much but as GM Doris told me,this is your first Christmas with Jesus. We love you brain and always will. Merry Christmas and have a Heavenly New Year with our Savior.
Love GM Cheryl
Mike Novotny
You were the closest thing i ever had to a little brother. I love you. Good job on the site Kenneth. If there’s anything you, Anna, or the boys need let me know.
Uncle Mike